Simon Van Booy

"But those who seek only reassurance from life will never be more than tourists--seeing everything and trying to possess what can only be felt. Beauty is the shadow of imperfection."

Friday, January 30, 2015

Got that Fire

I have decided that I am going to base each post off of a song that I hear calling my name. Today's song is Got That Fire by Royal Tailor. So much has been going on, I forget to stop and smell the roses. Between work, church, and all other activities I am involved with, it leaves me coming home at night so exhausted that I don't feel like doing my bible reading or journal entry. I feel ashamed of myself, that I can find time to do those activities and even watch a little tv, but when it comes to reading a portion of God's word, I'm just too tired. My biggest weakness is sustainment. I am very passionate when I want to start doing something, but after a while, it gets old. The newness, or shiny-ness of the object, fades away. I want to read everyday. Pray everyday. I want to go in, up, and out. I want all in. Not just on the days I feel like it, but on those tired days too. I want to be on fire. My favorite parts in the bible are when things are compared to lights. "You are the light of the World" "Let your light shine before men". The song says: It's like somebody poured gasoline on my soul. The truth-lit a match, warning I'm flammable.

I want to be flammable God. I want to have that fire. Not just tell people, but show them as well.

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